EU Fulfilment Update - 21st January
Thank you for joining us for another instalment of the EU GamesQuest board game Fulfilment Update.
Please leave your questions in the comments section below. A member of our marketing team will respond and provide any information that we are able to share as soon as possible.
With that said, lets get to it...
Fully Dispatched
*Please allow one week to receive a dispatched/tracking email
Barbaric | Hexa House |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return | Boom! Studios |
Shards of Infinity | StoneBlade Entertainment |
The Expanse - Wave 3 | BOOM! Studios |
Trekking the World | Underdog |
Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast (Wave 2) | Possum Creek Games |
Fulfilment Underway
Book it: Tag Teams & Title Belts | Foam Hammer |
Cyanide and Happiness | Boom! Studios |
Fool's Gold | Hit Point Press |
Kugo | Kugo Games |
Sorceror Endbringer | Wise Wizard |
The Isofarian Guard Second Printing | Sky Kingdom Games |
Vagrantsong: Encore | Wyrd Games |
Final Administrative Checks
Fablemakers Deck of Many Things | Hit Point Press |
Humblewood Tales | Hit Point Press |
Project Data Analysis
Santorini Pantheon | Roxley Games |
The Strange Forgeries of S. C. Rheber | Beyond Words Games |
On Site
House of 1000 Corpses | Trick or Treat Studios |
Awaiting Project Arrival From Port
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Project On The Water/In The Air
Onimaru & Manchuko | Penguin & Panda Productions |
Tales from the Red Dragon Inn (2nd Printing) | Slugfest Games |
Held For Additional Checks
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So, there it is, we hope it’s been useful to you and you’ve found what you were looking for. If you haven’t, please head over to our customer service page HERE and see our FAQ's for further project updates, otherwise please drop us a comment below.
Fulfilment Update Headings - What Do They Mean?
If you would like further information regarding what each header means please click here.
That's all for this week, see you next time.
Last week I have received from you an email asking for the confirmation of the address of my pledge for Battletech Mercenaries Kickstarter. Is there any update in the status?
Hi, are you guys have a timeline for the Santorini fullfilment?
Hi, are you guys doing the Battletech Mercenaries Kickstarter in EU ? Is there any update on that?
What exactly is going on with Onimaru? The game has been on the water since early November and still hasn’t arrived?