UK & ROW Fulfilment Update - 13th June
Greetings one and all, and welcome back to the website! Thank you for finding us for another installment of the UK & ROW Fulfilment Update.
We're sorry to say that GamesQuestions wont be returning for the foreseeable future. We will attempt to answer the comments and questions in the comments section below.
Customer Service Update:
Please be aware: Due to the way our system works, when you reply to your own ticket it reduced its priority. Please do not respond to your support ticket to avoid further delays.
The Isofarian Guard
With that said, let’s get to it…
Horror in the Library is a tile-based board game for 2-4 players (or up to 6 players with the expansion pack) which is pitched at a gateway level.
Explore a library of rotating rooms, collect items, and battle monsters; you must escape the Mad Professor's clutches!
Horror in the Library is now live on Kickstarter! Click here to follow along!
As always, the information below is the best projection we can currently give of our schedule over the next few weeks.
Fully Dispatched
Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook // Earl of Fife |
Scarface 1920 // Redzen Games (AU orders) |
*Please allow one week to receive a dispatched/tracking email
Fulfilment Underway
Abducktion // Very Special Games |
Beast // Studio Midhall (Orders for Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway remaining) |
Binding of Isaac: Requiem // Maestro Media |
Escape from Stalingrad Z // Raybox Games |
The Isofarian Guard // Sky Kingdom |
Sorcery: Contested Realm // Erik Cyriosa (CA orders) |
Vampire: The Masquerade - CHAPTERS // Flyos |
Vindication 3.0 // Orange Nebula |
Final Administrative Checks
Project Data Analysis
Cognitive Drawing // Coffee Table Comics
League of Dungeoneers // Von Braus Publishing
Majesty of Dragons // Dragolisco
Raiders of the Serpent Sea // Runic Tales
Shadow Network // Talon Strikes
Awaiting Project Arrival From Port
Tales From The Red Dragon Inn // Slugfest
Project On The Water/In The Air
Aegean RPG // We Evolve
Completed Giant Days Library // BOOM! Studios
Completed Irredeemable Library // BOOM! Studios
Hull Breach // Anodyne Printware
Miniac // Miniac
Race! Formula 90 // Gotha Games
Snap Ship Tactics // Snap Ships LLC
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5e // Hit Point Press Inc
The Griffon's Saddlebag, Book Two // The Griffon's Saddlebag
Future Projects
Age of Sails Dice // Terratop Workshop
Alchemy & Poisoncraft // Cabal of Enchantment
Held For Additional Checks
So, there it is, we hope it’s been useful to you and you’ve found what you were looking for. If you haven’t, please head over to our customer service page HERE, and if you still can’t find what you’re after, please CONTACT US or drop us a comment below.
Fulfilment Update Headings - What do they mean?
If you would like further information regarding what each header means please click here.
That’s it for this week, see you next time.
Hi Chris,
We’re very sorry about GamesQuestions too. Also, thanks for the reminder my friend. We’re a person short this week so it’s just taking a wee bit longer to get round to all the questions.
I’ve been told that we are doing The Artemis Odyssey fulfilment and that it is currently on it’s why to us from the manufacture. I’m unsure why it was has not been included on the blogs as of yet, but it should be from next week.
Thank you for your question,
- Team GamesQuest
Hi Guys. Sorry to hear that GamesQuestions isn’t retuning yet. Also don’t forget that questions have been asked for the last 2 weeks that haven’t been answered. And I’ll ask again if you can add The Artemis Project S&C and the Artemis Odyssey as I do believe you’re providing fulfillment.
League of Dungeoneers people,
This project is currently in the packaging approval stage which is typically the final thing before fulfilment begins.
- Team GamesQuest
Hi VtM Backer,
This is the wrong blog for EU projects my friend, however fulfilment of Vampire English editions are now underway. There’s roughly 1,000 EU orders to go out.
We’re afraid we wont be giving out specific dates as when there is any delay anywhere in the delivery chain, which can often happen, we are then totally lambasted by the Vampire community, often for things we cannot control. Now that the English language editions are underway, we would expect it to be complete relatively quickly.
- Team GamesQuest
Hi Ian,
I’m told that Star Realms orders for the UK have all been dispatched, with the final playmats going out last week. If you haven’t received your order, please open a ticket with us at: